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Healed while in the MRI

Writer: Dave PearDave Pear

Updated: Aug 26, 2024

Picture 1: Me, my wife, and Pak Frengky, the Christian MRI technician God sent to us to pray together.

God healed me MIRACULOUSLY from the fracture in my spine Lumbar-1bone. Here is my testimony. A Hard Fall On last Mother's Day, I fell and fractured my L1. I was walking and suddenly I noticed something about my shirt. At that split second, my legs forgot to walk so I had a hard fall. I was not able to sit longer than 2 minutes. I had to lie down to do most of my activities. This would go on for many weeks. I didn't want to go to the hospital because I didn't think there was a fracture. I got regular physiotherapy sessions to relieve all the great pain in my pelvic area. They helped at the time of the therapy, but the pain always returned. I could not walk and not dared walk downstairs. After 5 weeks, and with so much pleading from my wife, I agreed to the hospital and got an MRI. I had to lay down on my back in the car, since I couldn't sit for more than 2 minutes without a lot of pain in my pelvic area and lower back.

The Hiccups Miracle

In the hospital, I had continuous hiccups for two days that didn't stop. This was a problem because the doctor ordered an MRI. The MRI staff were going to cancel the MRI since you have to lay very still in the MRI. Minutes before the MRI, Ani & I met Pak Frengky, a Christian technician who was working there. (Look at picture 1 to see his face). So the three of us prayed together in agreement that the hiccups would be healed. After prayer, I took a little sip of water. Right away the hiccups stopped! (It was never that easy for me to get rid of hiccups!) So I was able to have the MRI. The technician told me it would take about 45 minutes. I wanted to know how long I was there for, so I decided to worship the same song over and over to gauge the time. Praise the Lord! I didn't have hiccups for the entire 45-50 minute scan. After the MRI process was done, in about 5 minutes after the scan, the hiccups came back. Haha. Thank you Jesus!!! The Healing Miracle

While laying down in the freezing MRI (for those who had an MRI know how cold it is in the MRI room), I was finishing up the scan. In the last 5-10 minutes of the scan, I felt a very hot but very comforting heat on my lower back and pelvic area. I really felt the warmth of God's presence at that time. I didn't know what that meant. I couldn't explain it, but I knew God visited me with His sweet presence. When the cardiologist and the orthopedic surgeon looked at MRI photos, the nurse wheeled me to see them so I was on my wheelchair. I will tell you later why this is important. The orthopedic surgeon studied my MRI result and said the L1 was fractured badly like it was trampled upon. The L2 and L3 were compressed, but what concerned him most was L1. He scolded me for waiting more than 5 weeks to take care of this. Otherwise he could have a different solution. The only solution left was to schedule me for a surgery called the Kyphoplasty, where a balloon would be first inserted into my spinal bone to create a space in the fractured bone, and then he would inject cement into it. So that was the solution. It was scheduled for Tuesday, because the surgeon had to order the material from Jakarta. Deep in my heart, I believed I was already healed and therefore didn't need surgery, since I could sit up for a long time without feeling the intense pain like before. On Sunday, the orthopedic surgeon wanted to discuss the details of the upcoming surgery. He came to my room and observed me sitting in my bed for 10-15 minutes. He watched me going down the bed and then going back to the bed. He was surprised that I was able to do those activities with much ease, because the MRI showed a bad fracture like that L1 was being trampled on. When he saw me, I was in the wheelchair so he didn't know I was able to get up and down. So he was just basing on the MRI. But now, he saw me moving easily, so he asked me what my pain level was from1-10. I said 2 or 3. He concluded I didn't need surgery then. Maybe my body healed itself after 6 weeks, he said. But I knew better. God truly came to visit me and His presence gave me the warm sensation all over my pelvis and back area, and healed my L1. My theory is that the MRI showed that it was STILL fractured because the scan happened before the warm presence of God came upon me. Thank You, Lord!

Picture 3: My MRI of L1 fracture and us with the orthopedic surgeon. Dr. K.

Going home and Next Step I could sit upright all way the back to my home without pain! Praise the Lord for healing my back!!!

I was healed from the pain. But I did have some setbacks from being in bed for 6 weeks. I wasn't as strong as before the fall, to stand and walk. We are still believing for God's complete healing of my legs, so I can walk freely like before or even better!! God has started a good work in my healing, and I believe He will complete it!

As the Bible word for "testimony" means "do it again" God! So God can do it again to all of your prayers, and keep believing and praying for your healing! God can do it for you. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏


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